Did you know that many homeopathic and herbal remedies are now categorised as prohibited listings on Amazon?
Here at natureshealthandbeauty, we have been supplying high quality natural and homeopathic remedies to customers across the world for over ten years. During that time, we have developed a loyal customer following, both through sites such as Ebay and Amazon, as well as directly here on our own website.
We find Amazon’s recent changes troubling. We absolutely understand that the sentiment behind the changes is to stop some dubious listings from more disreputable sellers; however when organisations such as ours are being affected then things must have gone too far. All our homeopathic remedies do not come with licensed indications, in order to meet MHRA regulations. For this reason, we cannot provide any suggested uses for these remedies on our website, however there are many sites online that will provide you with suggested uses of homeopathy.
We don’t write this because we want you to feel sorry for us, as many of our customers have since begun accessing our products directly through our own website, which is hosted by Shopify. We are flagging these changes up out of concern for the hundreds of customers who were using Amazon to purchase their herbal remedies, many of whom may be unable to get out to a physical shop to buy these (either due to location or mobility issues).
That’s why we’re doing a big push at the moment to let those people know that we’re still here! There are still reputable outlets online like ours where you can come to get the herbal remedies that you need; be it Arnica 30c to Argent Nit 200c; Lachesis to Ledum. We also have a resident Clinical Pharmacist Practitioner on hand who has over 15 years of experience in homeopathy. So, if you need any specific information or advice, please email us so that we can advise you on remedies to suit individual symptoms.
We obviously can’t compete with Amazon’s advertising budget, so if you know anyone who is looking for Homeopathic and Herbal remedies, please do share this with them and let them know that there are still people out there who can help! What’s more, throughout October we’ve got an incredible “buy one, get one half price” offer on our website, so visit us today to take advantage of this great deal.